Use computer modelling instead of the strict prescriptive route to comply with the SANS 10400-XA standard and enjoy greater design freedom and savings for your client.
We encourage you to exceed the minimum requirements of this building energy use standard. Future-proof your building through our design and certification modelling services. Design for greater comfort and efficiency. Read more and request a quote below.
Energy Modelling for SANS 10400-XA Compliance
In South-Africa all new buildings and renovations to existing buildings must comply with SANS 10400-XA – energy usage in buildings. Ecolution follows the holistic approach that incorporates all building attributes into one energy model. In this way, your building’s assessment benefits from clever sustainable design (unlike the alternative strict ‘deemed-to-satisfy’ approach). Our modelling approach rewards you by eliminating much of the red tape for building energy approval and expands design freedom.
Why is SANS 10400-XA rational assessment required?
Deemed-to-Satisfy (Prescriptive)
This route follows a check-list approach to comply with the Standard’s minimum requirements.
Strict minimum glazing – calculations required
Strict minimum roof insulation
This route may lead to high-cost performance glazing, which in some cases can be unnessary. As such we recommend the Rational Assessment (Modelling Approach)
Rational Assessment (Modelling)
A 3D computer energy model is built, and detail of location, envelope fabric, operation and systems are assigned.
With modelling, design freedom is possible again. You can balance energy efficiency and cost, and select glazing, shading and insulation that suits your design and performance expectations.
Hourly Computer simulations are done for a full year. This test compares building system efficiency to the Standard’s energy benchmarks.
Save money with the rational assessment route.
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