Darling Brew
Sustainability Consulting | Green House Gas Audit | Green Star SA
Africa’s first carbon neutral brewery & first Green Star rated brewery in South Africa
Darling Brew, a microbrewery located in the small town of Darling in the Western Cape, is Africa’s first carbon neutral brewery and South Africa’s first Green Star rated brewery. Ecolution assisted the brewery in going carbon neutral through conducting a Greenhouse Gas Audit in order to offset the carbon of the brewing and production process through the process of offsetting their carbon emissions via responsible carbon capturing and reduction projects. Ecolution also assisted the brewery in a number of technical sustainability interventions and were the Green Star Consultants on the project.
Client: Darling Brew
Project Location: Darling, Western Cape
Certification: 4 Star Green Star SA, Existing Building Performance
Project Details
Some of the sustainability interventions of the brewery include:
- Water efficient fittings in bathrooms
- Waterless urinals
- Rainwater harvesting from roof which is used in staff ablutions, some general brewery washing and all irrigation demands.
- Wasted process water from the brewing process is captured and reused for floor washing and other cleaning activities
- Ongoing recycling and food waste management
- Sustainable procurement programme
- Use of upcycled furniture and recycled wood in the brewery and Tasteroom area
- Solar water heating
- LED retrofit in restaurant
- Use of natural light in brewery
- Advanced energy and water metering
- Mostly naturally ventilated
- High SRI roof paint used and reflector foil on north-east facing windows to reduce solar heat gain
- Indigenous landscaping throughout the site