Test building performance according to a National Standard or International Building Rating system.
Modelling is required to prove that building performance is either in accordance with municipal construction approval requirements or with building rating systems. Building performance modelling typically accounts for between 20-40% of all points awarded for a building rating score and is one of the most cost-effective ways of earning points.

Green Star Modelling
With a local council established in 2007, Green Star SA is the most widely used third-party verification for green buildings in Africa. Modelling is done to assess energy performance, daylighting, and thermal comfort. Typical modelling credits include: Energy (ENE-1), Demand reduction (ENE-5), Daylight (IEQ-4), Thermal comfort (IEQ-9).

LEED Modelling
LEED, or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design is the most widely used third-party verification for green buildings. Modelling is required to optimise energy performance, improve daylighting and thermal comfort. Typical modelling credits include: Optimize energy performance (EAc2), Demand response (EAc4), Thermal Comfort (IEQc5), Daylight (IEQc7).
In South-Africa all new buildings and renovations to existing buildings must comply with SANS 10400-XA – energy usage in buildings. Ecolution follows the holistic approach that incorporates all building attributes into one energy model. In this way, your building’s assessment benefits from clever sustainable design (unlike the alternative strict ‘deemed-to-satisfy’ approach). Our modelling approach rewards you by eliminating much of the red tape for building energy approval and expands design freedom. Read more/Get a quote.