Premier Foods Facility achieves Green Star and Net Zero Carbon Certification

The Premier Foods Facility in Lords View Industrial Park, owned by Equites, was recently certified with a Green Star Custom Industrial and Net Zero-CARBON As-Built rating.

Ecolution was appointed as the Net Zero and Green Star Accredited Professionals on the project.

This state-of-the-art sustainable warehouse facility consists of warehouse space, yards, and office facilities, providing a healthier environment for employees through increased ventilation rates and non-volatile organic compound finishing materials.

Some of the sustainable building features include:

  • Advanced energy and water metering strategy 
  • Efficient LED lighting and control
  • mix-mode ventilation system of mechanically ventilated and naturally ventilated spaces
  • individually addressable lighting with occupancy sensors available.
  • integrated BMS system records and logs all the energy and water usage within the building and can be displayed in real-time.
  • a Photovoltaic (PV) system on the roof that provides over and above the energy consumption of the entire facility.
  • paints, adhesives sealants, and carpets have low VOC emissions.
  • efficient water-saving fixtures
  • attenuation pond to reduce stormwater runoff
  • cyclist facilities for all staff with lockers, showers and changing facilities
  • landscaped outdoor seating for staff
  • high recycled steel content 
  • the inclusion of blinds for glare control for occupants

For more information on our Green Building Certification Services, please contact us on [email protected].