Darling Brew recently launched the first carbon neutral beer in Africa, Blood Serpent.
Ecolution acted as Darling’s sustainability consultants on this project. We ensured that the beer offsetting process was done correctly and that the offsets were validated by recognised verification bodies for carbon offsetting. We conducted a green house gas audit to quantify the carbon equivalent footprint of the production of Blood Serpent. We are proud to be a part of what has been labelled “the most important beer in Africa right now”.
In order to achieve a carbon neutral beer, Darling Brew offsets the scope 1 and 2 emissions of the Blood Serpent process. In addition to this, the scope 3 emissions associated with packaging are also offset. The carbon emissions created by the fuel, water and energy consumption during brewing, as well as the glass, labels and packaging during production, are thus offset with each new batch of Blood Serpent.
The offsetting process is done through the Kariba REDD+ project in Zimbabwe with impactChoice as an offsetting partner. It was chosen based on the fact that the project has emissions reductions that are real, measurable and permanent. REDD+ is an acronym for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. Their aim is to empower local communities whilst preserving forests and protecting wild life. The carbon offsets are validated by the Verified Carbon Standard, the Gold Standard and the Plan Vivo.
The equivalent emissions produced by an average car driving 38 894 km is offset for every 16 000 bottles of Blood Serpent produced (4033.64 Kg of Co2-e). In terms of carbon sequestered, the offset is equivalent to 261 tree seedlings having grown for 10 years.
We are excited to continue on this sustainability journey with Darling Brew as they work towards becoming a more responsible brewery.